Enterprise Social Software meets Semantic Web

Enterprise Social Software tools bring a new approach into the daily business. Sharing information became the key to industrial success and helps teams collaborate, stay organized and keep themselves up-to-date. By adding Semantic Web technologies to Enterprise 2.0, an even greater value for organizations can be provided - Creating a network of relevant things, flexible data structures as well as system and information integration are just the beginning. 

Interested? Don't miss the upcoming Meetup "Enterprise Social Software meets Semantic Web" and get deeper insights from both, Enterprise 2.0 practitioners and Semantic Technology experts. 

9th November 2011, 19:00, Meldemannstrasse 18, Vienna (map)


Lightning Talk Refinder

Refinder is dedicated to this approach, too. Refinder brings people and information together to provide new flexibility to team work and information management. Hear the talk of CEO Leo Sauermann at 19:30. 

Register for the meetup here:


Program details: 

  • 19.15 Introduction
    Prof. Dr. Paul Kral (Know.learn&lead)
    Enterprise Social Media bleibt ein Schlagwort, wenn Menschen nicht in den Changeprozess eingebunden sind. Bei Veränderungen müssen Unternehmen weit mehr als nur Strategie, Struktur, Prozesse und Systeme berücksichtigen. 
  • 19.30 Lightning Talks

Leo Sauermann (Gnowsis, Refinder)
Adding Semantics to Enterprise Social Software in Refinder

Roman Pamperl (OSSBIG)
Enterprise Social Software and Semantic Web in Large Enterprises

Florian Kondert (Semantic Web Company)
Semantik als Jungbrunnen für die Organisation

Isabella Mader (Donau Universität Krems) 
Praxiserfahrungen aus Enterprise Social Software Projekten 

  • 20.00 Your Lightning Talk
    Your Name Here
    Up to max 7-8 Talks not longer than 4 minutes each - just stand up and talk!
  • 20.30 Meeting, Greeting, Networking
    Drinks & finger food will be prepared for you.

 Looking forward to see you at the Meetup!