New Year, new exciting things

Dear friends of Gnowsis,

2011 has just begun and we hit the ground running straight away. Many exciting things are going to happen in the next few weeks, so stay tuned and look forward to new features!


Gnowsis moves to new offices.
With the fresh wind of the New Year, Gnowsis packed boxes and moved into new offices. Now you can find us at  Phorusgasse 8, 1040 Vienna, Austria.
Here are some pics: 


Refinder BETA reached 500 users.
After releasing on December 1st 2010, more than 500 users have already registered for Refinder BETA. So if you don't have an account yet, hurry up and get one on NOW! Refinder BETA is limited to 1000 users. 


Worth to read:

Still looking for the right new years' resolution?
How about cleaning up and organize your workspace.

Under the hood: A closer look on URLs

The ultimate kick: Importing Delicious Bookmarks into Refinder


Kind regards,

The Gnowsis team


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