A Gnowsis Christmas present for you: Import your Delicious Bookmarks into Refinder!

Dear followers of Gnowsis,

ginger bread, hot wine punch and a wonderful winter wonderland all around (at least here in Vienna) ...yes, it's Christmas in the air!

As a special present we would like to introduce to you a new gimmick in Refinder:


Get all your favorite bookmarks, keywords and topics into Refinder with only one click and experience the immediate improvement of your personal recommendations. More instructions can be found at http://www.gnowsis.com/about/blog/2010/12/17/refinder-alternative-deliciouscom -- or start right away at http://www.getrefinder.com/account/import/ !

There has been a lot of rumor about what will happen to Delicious.com in the next weeks, so make sure all your bookmarks and favorite website links are save. 


More news:

Leo Sauermanns' interview for the blog of Isabella Mader 

Gnowsis won 3rd price in the Softwarepark Hagenberg competition


The team of Refinder and Gnowsis wishes you a peaceful Christmas holiday and is looking forward to provide you new plug-ins and functionalities in 2011!



The team of Gnowsis


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