Martina Gallova's blog

This week, the International Semantic Web Conference is taking place in Bonn, Germany. As Refinder is a social software build up on the idea of a semantic platform, we are glad to have the opportunity giving a talk at ISWC's "Industry Track".

Refinder available on

Starting from today, Refinder is available on! All4startups is Austria's first online market place offering products and services meeting the needs of young entrepreneurs. Whether to boost company growth, support basic processes or reward yourself for the good work.

Enterprise Social Software trifft Semantic Web

Enterprise Social Software Lösungen bringen einen neuen Ansatz in die tägliche Arbeitsroutine. Das Teilen von Informationen ("Sharing") ist der Schlüssel für wirtschaftlichen Erfolg geworden. Ob Wissensarbeit, Projektarbeit oder Recherche, Enterprise Social Software unterstützt Teams bei der Zusammenarbeit und hilft ihnen organisiert sowie up-to-date zu bleiben.

Enterprise Social Software meets Semantic Web

Enterprise Social Software tools bring a new approach into the daily business. Sharing information became the key to industrial success and helps teams collaborate, stay organized and keep themselves up-to-date. By adding Semantic Web technologies to Enterprise 2.0, an even greater value for organizations can be provided - Creating a network of relevant things, flexible data structures as well as system and information integration are just the beginning. 

Danube University Krems

In this blog post we want to introduce you the study program of the Danube University Krems, our partner in the field of information and knowledge management. 

The Danube University Krems is specialized in extension studies and offers a wide rage of extra-occupational study fields. If you want to get more details about the offer and talk directly with current students, join one of the information events taking place in autumn 2011:  

Xinnovations and Refinder

This week, the Xinnovations conference takes place in Berlin, Germany and Refinders' CEO Leo Sauermann is also on-site! Xinnovations brings together research and business in the field of knowledge management to boost innovative ideas and projects. 

Refinder at iKnow and iSemantics

Do you want to know what is going on in the world of knowledge management and semantic technologies? Then come to the international iKNOW and iSemantics conferences. The iKNOW is held concurrently with the iSemantics and both are taking place from 7th to 9th September 2011 in Graz. 

New features: Personal profiles and Invite per email

Small but nice are the new feature updates in Refinder. Starting this week you can now create profile pages and invite people into a collection via email. 

Starting with today you can now share your things with other people! Your project results are often the joint effort of a team, invite your colleagues to work together with you in Refinder. 

Networked organizations - The key to industrial success?

Enterprise 2.0 and social collaboration are currently on everyone's lips when talking about how to improve enterprise productivity. But to state that the right tools will you and your employees make collaborate is a myth. Read the findings from a recent McKinsey study. 

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