Hear about Personal Information Management and Refinder at Konferenz Agenda Wissen

Leo Sauermann from Refinder will be present at the "Konferenz Agenda Wissen" this week in Vienna, Austria. We will talk about Personal Information Management and how it changes through cloud services. 

Manfred Kofranek will host a discussion about Personal Information Management on Thursday, where Leo will talk with Elke Ziegler from science.orf.at and the writer Julia Rabinowich.

Thursday, 31. May 2012, 14.00 - 19.00 
Friday, 1. June 2012, 09.00 - 13.00
at Palais Festetics, Berggasse 16, 1090 Wien

The conference is in German and is offered at a reasonable price of 100€, write to KM-A to register. It features the who-is-who of Knowledge Management in Austria and beyond discussing current topics of Knowledge Management, Productivity, Time Management, Leadership Development, and SaaS Cloud Applications to Support the latter.
