Gnowsis at STARTup Lounge event and in Die Presse (newspaper)
Martina Gallova on Mon, 10/11/2010 - 12:01
Few days ago, CEO Leo Sauermann successfully pitched at the STARTup Lounge event organized by INiTS and STARTeurope. Together with 12 other promising start-ups, he presented Gnowsis's vision and business model to potential investors.
Have a look at the article in Die Presse (Austrian newspaper) published this weekend giving a summary about the event (and Gnowsis :) )
Die Presse - Start-ups: Geld für gute Ideen
(by Nikolaus Koller, 8th Oct 2010)
All in all a great event - we got good feedback and got the chance to talk to important people. Thanks to INiTS and STARTeurope for organizing.